"Bees on pie"
"Bees on pie"
The fact that both Angie and Tracy find Liz's use of "did" racist implies that they do know that "did" is not technically correct, and that they are using it as slang.
I still prefer older Alec Baldwin. Young Alec did nothing for me.
I don't want to talk about it.
Lone Popularity- The movie seemed to imply that Donnie had some serious mental problems even before he started seeing the guy in the bunny suit. Any severe mental health issues (along with the erratic behavior that often accompanies them) will take care of any nascent popularity a kid might have.
Oh hi Mohd!
Well that sucks. You could make a really great movie from that story.
September Dawn
Didn't know they made a movie about the Mountain Meadows disaster. Is it any good? According to IMDB Jon Voight is in it but it was made in 2006 which doesn't bode well.
Vampires in the Twilight series are very cold.
Beautiful! Thank you!
Hey! 37!
Not a traveling story but:
Please tell me Tasha and Genevieve are going to do a New Moon podcast! The Twilight one was hilarious.
Jeez, I'd like to help but if they don't kill the intruder it's really bad for their society.
I ain't no Professor Pickles!
OF The Corrections.
Just waiting for his motion capture version on The Corrections.
John Waters?
I'd watch that.
Dude talked me into seeing "Troy". "TROY"!! Shit doesn't even cover it.