
Yeah, I found the reaction shots peculiar also. The whole scene just felt like they weren't showing something. Or, it was just bad writing, and I'm looking for something that isn't there.

Oh yeah. Yeah… Emotional vampires are the worst.

Damn, Shaggydog.?? That really bummed me out. Those bastards are gonna pay!!!

There's a winemaker named Sokol Blosser. Always said that'd be my Jedi name.

I know. I had my pants down all episode and when the credits rolled, I was like WTF??!!

At least when you read a book (even a lesser king book) you get to make up your own stuff in your head. I believe everyone would make up better shit than this.

I wish the dome hadn't chose me to watch this show every week. But I can't question the dome.

I like that DJ sheriff is cracking down on vandalism. Good for him. Somebody's gotta protect the bridge from graffiti.

"Maybe the dome will guide me. " oh great and powerful dome please lead me into idiocy and nonsensical actions that make no sense… I wish I lived under the dome.

I think he knew it was Linda and killed her anyway to further fuck with Lester. When he left he stared at him in the car for like 15 seconds.

Whenever I'm in in the restroom with a line of dudes at the urinal I start calling play by play like a horse racing announcer. Breaks the tension.

If this is Hanks afterlife; that really sucks.

I can't believe Barbie fell for the old fist bump to start the fight trick. I expected more, man!

Was that the waiter from Shenanigans?

So how does forehead have a tattoo? She's under 18, right? Or did she put a rub-on tattoo on after the Dome came down?..   "Screw this Dome. I gotta still rock my style." (Forehead)

So after three days they're almost out of coffee? How small is this town? Or did the Diner just forget to order it this month?

Better than movies. I guess.. I mean, I don't know..

But has plans for their misfit kid…

'Cause the dome hates lesbians.

More dongs please. Naw, just kidding. The show is perfect as it is..