R. Starship

You mean the The O'Reilly Factor?

Got a lot of questions for [Fugazi].

Snakes: nature's quitters.

AV Club/Onion shout-out on the Simpsons. Doh!

AV Club/Onion shout-out on the Simpsons. Doh!



I covered their show at the Howard Theater, with GZA.  Bad Brains sounds as solid as ever until HR started whisper-mumbling whatever thoughts he could tether his consciousness to.  It was made more upsetting by that juxtaposition of a tight band and a worthless singer.  I appreciate their influence, but HR is beyond

I covered their show at the Howard Theater, with GZA.  Bad Brains sounds as solid as ever until HR started whisper-mumbling whatever thoughts he could tether his consciousness to.  It was made more upsetting by that juxtaposition of a tight band and a worthless singer.  I appreciate their influence, but HR is beyond

Man, hipster Dean Cain just cannot wait to get to that craft services table.

Man, hipster Dean Cain just cannot wait to get to that craft services table.

The Death Cab parade gets a little tiresome, but I really love Advance Base, which is essentially a repackaged Casiotone for the Painfully Alone.  This tour is stopping at Sixth & I Synagogue here in DC, which bodes well for any traveling sad-sacks…and also Joan Rivers.

The Death Cab parade gets a little tiresome, but I really love Advance Base, which is essentially a repackaged Casiotone for the Painfully Alone.  This tour is stopping at Sixth & I Synagogue here in DC, which bodes well for any traveling sad-sacks…and also Joan Rivers.

Yeah, I like about 30% of [AS] these days and dearly miss the episodes of Case Closed and Lupin the Third they used to run.


An entire show based on the WORD marijuana…sheesh! They can make a show about tnything these days.

It was an extraneous 'fucking' but, aren't they all.

New song title proves Chris Martin couldn't be gayer if he was a groupie for the fucking Scissor Sisters!

So it is…the pre-adolescents. I just enjoyed saying 'aughts'.

*Floyd and *released…fuck