Launch Party
Launch Party
Like, omg, did you, like, get my txt abt the mtg?
This thread is far too silly!
I applaud this post and agree that the show declined after the 3rd Season. However, I disagree with some of your best-ofs. It should only consist of anything from Season 2, Season 3 and if you want something from Seasons 1 and 4. Also the episode where Michael Scott kidnaps the pizza boy is without a doubt the worst.…
If you want to save Community, pony up a couple of bucks and buy a season or two either on disc or through iTunes. Remember, sales of episodes of The Office on iTunes helped keep it on the air in it's second season.
America's Got Tits!
I hate the scroll on Sportscenter telling you what's up next. And the bottomline ruined Sportscenter for me.
I have the same birthday as Chuck Norris, Jon Hamm, James Earl Ray, Osama Bin Laden, Rick Rubin, Timbaland and Carrie Underwood (same year!)
I read it in his Mr Robinson voice.
It was nice working with you, Yoshi.
Curtis and Shalhoub
lol wtf is sword & sandal
What if Radiohead just played in towns/cities in America that borrow their name from English towns/cities? They could do a whole tour in just Massachusetts.
Pretty fucking? That's hot.
Yeah but he can't play the floor.
Plus Jim is the better basketball player out of the three of them.
::Pours one out::
Viva la Vida is a great album. I don't understand the disrespect for it.
Air Bud of the Baskervilles.
Don't you go making mock of Jude Law's career for you will incur the wrath of Sean Penn.