
Evolution v. Intelligent Design/Creationism
Anyone notice that there were several allusions to evolution and creationism or intelligent design? From the initial model project to the way several of the accusations were phrased to the final ghost story. Surprised it wasn't in the write-up.

You guys want to see a dead body.

Draper's reaction
Somehow I think Don Draper would be less than amused.

O hai Karla

I'd rather free-floating rage than buy-my-book-so-we-can-all-be-enraged-together rage. Leaving solutions out of the presentation makes him less influential but I think it maintains his integrity. Also I believe that Stewart would probably assert that at least some helpless rage is the only appropriate response to

Oh, Hi The Winchester.

Best. Religious. Joke. Ever.

Britta/Annie lesbian subplot: More or less exploitive than the one where they mudwrestle?

[insert joke about Ryan Seacrest]

I am glad that someone brought up the God episode of Louie. While I think that episode was probably better received by this community of TV watchers, I think this episode was in a way better. That is, Community actually engaged with the religious narrative instead of falling back on commentary of the fucked up

Whenever someone uses the phrase big-ass (noun) I instinctively move the hyphen one space over. Only thing in the world that will make me chuckle out loud 100% of the time. No idea why.

Hello, The Winchester.

Unsubstantiated claims
Moral high ground
Odd specifics that suggest believability

(I'm sorry I'm just not a fan of Trey Parker. Matt Stone is alright though.)

Are you kidding, Inspector X! Are you kidding me! DVDA is RUINING THIS COUNTRY!!! I can't be here any longer!

*wistfully* Ah, the Limerick, the ass-clown of poetic forms!

@JFC- The DADT ruling is being appealed, FYI.

Don't tell.

I can't help but think that this would have had a different outcome if this had occurred in Philly or Boston or Detroit or New York. That is to say I think there would have been a more firearm/tire iron-related outcome.