
Joffrey needs the fuckeulogy of all time. Paging buglers.

And a marginal sports correspondent.

Loved Coco's semaphore realness during the lipsync.

In Finland it's 15€/month (10€ if you sign for a year). Tried and cancelled it. Didn't have the smoothest interface IMHO and not having The Late Shift in their movie selection was the last straw. Maybe I'll try again with a newer laptop.

My dream is that Edith hooks up with Alex Kingston's character from Upstairs Downstairs: Now With Nazis and they go on to have archealogical lesbian adventures together.

He did. In Spartacus.

Bob Mackie was a judge on the second or third episode. Great to see him come back. Man's a legend. And not as useless as a judge as Camilla.

Malcolm calling Stewart a spunk lolly was magical.

Malcolm calling Stewart a spunk lolly was magical.