
I'm pretty sure the CMAs already happened, and she got zero noms. As did fellow country music artist, Sturgill Simpson. Who, interestingly enough, did get a Grammy nom for best Album.

He may have already checked that box with Time Out of Mind.

Now I know what "When the Deal Goes Down" is about. Thanks.

I believe those are called "anchors".

Melisandre is just Sansa from the future CONFIRMED.

Sharknado Deux: Fin

This was a fantastic read. Thanks.

I wonder if I just wear this cowboy hat for the rest of my life, will people forget that I'm bald? I mean, I don't mind that I'm bald, but you know, like some people might. Also, this wonderful view I'm a-lookin' at reminds me that I really have to poop.

Try your local library. If it's anything like mine, I can rent the entire Carnivale season 1 or 2 for only a dollar. If you want to watch it along with the reviews, just keep renewing your check-out. Good luck with that, though, I blew through the first season before the episode 2 review came down.

Don't know if anyone has called you out on this yet, but that wasn't Bob Dylan playing at the end of the episode, it was "Catch the Wind" by Donovan.

I'll take a the comedy duo of Phil and Luke over Zooey and which ever guy you choose from that show. Whether it be the guy who is eventually going to be her love interest, the guy who is eventually going to be her brother figure, her rock, or the guy who is eventually going to be the gay one- either way, Modern Family

Richard = the Tin Man, Mickey = the Scarecrow, Jimmy = the Lion or Dorothy?

Did I miss something? I thought this was one of the funniest MFs to date. C+ is a grade better reserved for some shitty Zooey Deschanel comedy where none of the supporting cast is funny and the show sucks really bad but Zooey Deschanel is in it, and appears to be somewhat trying, poor thing, and we like her singing

This episode had a wonderful pace until George's daughter's Bruce Jennerish boyfriend showed up, and stalled it a bit. Loved the forgetting the waiter's name joke, and the clock tower was exactly what this show wants to be.

There was also a storyline about him masturbating too much or something.

It's not TV. It's LOST.
The Deadwood connection mentioned is nice, but it ends with "people shootin' each other." HUGE parallels can now be drawn, though, with another HBO classic- CARNIVALE. If you haven't seen it, watch it, and you'll get the idea of where they are going with this show they call LOST.