Will Powell

I'm not gonna say anything more, cause i would have to use spoilers in any defence of that storyline. But also you seem like a bit of a twat and stop watching tv that actively angers you.

I think people got confused somewhere. Tom got pestered in the skate park by all the other kids asking questions not by reporters. 

That's how people where i live talk, if you don't want to hear regional british acents then don't watch bristish tv… Also its not the white black thing thats meant to be the the issue, its the 15 and 18 age gap i feel you pointing out the race of the bf says more about you than the show.

But things like medical care, espically in areas of mental health are directly related to policy. There must not only be acess to treatment but social awareness which only can really come from politics. I think the two are interlinked.

Not that i've seen this version, but the British one relies heavily on innuendo and nostalgia and it is amazing. I mean its most likely because i like baking but even my non baker friends all love it.
Clearly low stakes reality may be something us Brits can do better.

I didn't really enjoy this episode at all. (the first one of this run to let me down). Everyone else seems to love Matts performance, but i found it a little too scenery chewing, i guess maybe that was the point and i just missed it. But between the annoying kids and overstuffed plot i wasn't really happy. Also while

I agree. I didn't find her behaviour unrealistic. It was just about being organised and while she might not be the bravest, she isn't a shy or introverted person. Also its not like she had any less skills than the rest of the fairly incompetant soldiers.

It was really weird also, what kind of teenager flounces into a room of a soldiers that she's never met and moans about being bored? They aren't there to entertain her, it felt super weird. Also although she didn't have much to do apart from be petulent and annoying the actress wasn't the best.

That leechy may have been the cutest evil parasite ever! I want one. He was adorable trying to crawl away. 

Haha. This is so true, I don't know whether it was the fashions of the time, but both Rose and Martha had the worst clothes. Rose i can understand cause she was supposed to be this chavvy estate girl. But Marth was a fucking doctor, she must have been able to afford some nice clothes. They both kinda got screwed by

Shhhh! It was a real submarine under the north pole! Anything else is lies!

It kinda did do that =/. Cause the two time zombies were stuck together, and the doctor was yelling at the two brothers to not touch each other to avoid the future. Then they touched each other and turned into zombies. But i didn't mind it too much.

I think between this one and the submarine ep the budgets might not be so bad. Also Hide only really had 2 main sets since they filmed in a real house and then in the spooky woods.

I swear Rose and Martha used to always wear like the same jackets and it used to really bug me. I mean the doctor can wear his costume but normal girls ain't gonna keep wearing the same clothes, It always annoyed me.

Yay! Another strong episode.

You're missing out if you're not watching it though. It was my favourite new show last year.

But it is a family show that's not really something thats ever going to change =/. Tea time kid friendly scares are almost the heart of the show.

I don't think Rory did either.

I think when she said "doctor i'm not very happy" was the first time i've really understood modern clara, it was just something that would never have come out of any other companions mouth, apart from maybe rory as everyone else laughs at him. (i never liked how he was treated for the beginning of his time :()

But it's also a little creepy. He's kinda dragging her across the universe as a sort of prisoner (even if she doesn't know it) because if she knew exactly what he was thinking and that he'd met two other girls like her i think she would be out of the tardis door and not come back. I hope the Doctor gets called out on