
Yeah, I usually mute those bits to not spoil the comedy. But I also understand why they're in there. Keeps people interested who haven't already fallen in love with the show.

I'm not so sure I want Drunk History to be anything other than a "longer, glorified version of the web series". It makes me laugh my ass off, every episode.

Donna you neglected to mention that not only was Burt Reynold's stuntman's helicopter free-fall a record-breaking one, but it was also a record breaking one. At 232 feet, no less.

Yeah, I'd have liked Jack to at least make a run for his plane and let Morgan Freeman hit the button. Maybe then he could've had like another clone fight as the post-credits stinger.

Morgan Freeman's plan (and I love how we just are all calling him Morgan Freeman by the way) was to recover the "micro-reactor" or something from the spaceship to power his nuke. It was not his plan to engage Jack in any way until after he saw how Jack reacted at the crash site — previously he was just curious about

They're more like Tie Fighters than Cylon Raiders. But only just. They do a similar "scan-then-shoot" thing like the Raiders. It's definitely an amalgamation of a dozen other things.

Yeah, and really just that ONE line in the trailer, where Tom Cruise yells "Who ARE you?" — telegraphed the entire fucking thing. Still enjoyed it though. Cool stuff with the drones.

Not a terrible way to spend your single PG-13 "fuck" I suppose. But that little trend is getting seriously old.

The movie clearly explains through Morgan Freeman's dialogue when Jack and Julia return to the base: that Jack Harper was a famous, well-loved astronaut.

"Oh, I don’t have any plans ever because I feel like I’m not really in control of what opportunities pop up. I guess I should be more proactive about my career."

"Oh, I don’t have any plans ever because I feel like I’m not really in control of what opportunities pop up. I guess I should be more proactive about my career."

Been super underwhelmed by the first 2 eps… not even sure I want to watch part 3. What I do want to watch, though, is the "Bad" Frank Phillips show.

Been super underwhelmed by the first 2 eps… not even sure I want to watch part 3. What I do want to watch, though, is the "Bad" Frank Phillips show.

Come on, Todd, you jackass! ;) There was a 30 second timer before the game would call it a forfeit.

Come on, Todd, you jackass! ;) There was a 30 second timer before the game would call it a forfeit.

Todd the novel is "The Fixer" by Bernard Malamud.

I laugh so hard at this show. And the whole time I watch the clocking thinking "oh no, only 15 minutes left!" or "Oh no, only 3 minutes left!"

Quarles thinks Raylan is dirty, so he's genuinely surprised by Raylan being honest about his "conversation" with them in the trailer.

This was a fantastic hour of television. David Milch has been my favorite TV writer since NYPD Blue, and Michael Mann… well, it doesn't get any better than Heat. He's a master at getting great actors to do amazing things. I can't wait for the end of January.