Bag of Dicks

In addition to baseball, in about 15 minutes you can watch the Los Angeles Kings put the final brushstrokes on what is sure to be their masterpiece of a sweep of the Phoenix Coyotes and earn a spot in the Stanley Cup final for the first time since 1993.

Who knows, he might condemn it as glibly entertaining.

Who knows, he might condemn it as glibly entertaining.

You're not being very magmanimous.

You're not being very magmanimous.

This is hilarious.

This is hilarious.

You are not hanging around with the right lesbians.

Flag away. And I think if there's anything that would annoy the Italian diaspora more than being identified with the mafia it would be being lumped in with the Irish.

I didn't know Spike Lee had said anything about Tyler Perry, so I looked it up and got this article in which Perry is quoted comparing himself to W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington. So for that I now feel safe ignoring him.

Only if they're really really really good ones.

Yabbut far as I can tell this movie ain't set in the 20s and 30s. And insofar as "mafia" means "gang of criminals," sure, but the Irish Mob is the Irish Mob, not the Irish Mafia.

To be fair, there's a lot of glibly entertaining stuff out there nowadays.

*gives Donkey Lips death*

To be fair, so does everyone else.

This question seems so naive, so hopeful, a sign of a much simpler time, before 4-0 shellackings and what not.

*warms hands by sticking them down pants*

What do I want from a TV finale? Sexy dames, and plenty of 'em.

I, too, demand that TBS's business model never change.

You know what? You are right.