Bag of Dicks

On the other hand: ass-burgers.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus I think we have our answer.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Are you Philip J. Fry?

As a trillionaire, I find it all very common and boring.

I voted no.

He'll be writing for Conan again in heaven.

I'll be watching Monk.

You expect me to swallow that?

@avclub-503b62701eb4720de5c8b2275ecacfe7:disqus Yeah you're right, the whole Megan backstory is ringing very false. Retconning is the word.

I remember watching this show with my parents and asking them to explain every single joke because I was 10 and did not understand a single thing that was happening on screen.

Spaceship, suborbital rocket plane, same diff.

"It's your funeral." - People who stay where God rightly put them.

@avclub-e6990f5a3eb5738fbb28fd8a53506f6f:disqus It's funny, I think of the United States as a mega-France right over the border. The United States is France writ large. What is an American but a successful Frenchman? All of the arrogance, none of the self-doubt and ennui!

@avclub-503b62701eb4720de5c8b2275ecacfe7:disqus I don't know why they went to all the trouble of building up her backstory as a Montréaler and then cast those two as her parents. Why even bother?

"Sally is forced to reevaluate her identity as someone who does not like fish."

I thought the look on her face was fantastic. I couldn't tell if she hated it and was trying to contain her disgust or she thought she'd hate it but was surprised that she didn't.

I don't know how good she looked but I was all like awwwwww because it's the dress she bought to wear to her proposal. Peggy's kinda sweet when she wants to be.

The bar's lower. We'd expect a modern-day sketch comedy show to at least follow the form of something funny, if not actually fill that form with content (which 30 Rock does perfectly). We all know 60s advertising is cheesy as hell (beans: from cavemen to astronauts!) so we expect less.

LSD wasn't even illegal in 1966!

To continue with the pedantry… French Canadian doesn't exactly equal Québecois. Usually anglophones will call French-speaking people outside of Québec 'French-Canadian' (a category which would include Franco-Ontarians, -Manitobans and Acadians) but the French-speaking population of Québec is normally called Québecois.