David Wolinsky

Well put. I think I can speak for John and myself in saying we were both relatively underwhelmed by Zelda based on the Nintendo conference. Having played it for a whopping 10 minutes running around in a hub area, I can say it really doesn't feel like much new. They should realize that people aren't playing games for

@Miotheso Haha. Ironically, as I was waiting in line to try the 3DS, my mind kept flashing on abandoned 3DS displays at Target stores months and months from now, and anyone who wants to being able to just waltz on up and try it.

@qxan @feitclub Reminiscent of God Of War and unfair as it is to make that comparison, I'm looking forward to this new 3D Castlevania. The demo was pretty nifty, even though there weren't any candles to lay waste to.

@GhaleonQ : I tried a Lords of Shadow demo on Tuesday, and I have high hopes for it. It's hard not to conjure up comparisons to God Of War, but then that could be said about anything with a battle system relying so heavily on a whip. It's hard to tell based on the couple of enemies and a horseriding sequence in the

I caught a PR-person-guided Naughty Bear demo yesterday (and have the weird Naughty Bear statuette to prove it), and the game looks pretty hilarious. Kinda reminded me of Spy Vs. Spy in a way, but much more cuddlier. Haven't gotten my hands on it yet (and John will be reviewing it for us in a few short weeks) but it

I was among the non-clapping audience members there—what still blew me away more was the GLEE: Karaoke Revolution game. Not so much the footage of the game, but the fact that I glanced up from my notebook and saw a red-haired, singing teenager… followed my tons more of the same.

For what it's worth, when I tried the Kirby demo yesterday, I asked the Nintendo guy whether the whole suck mechanic in the game is being done away with, and he was pretty evasive in answering. A Kirby game without sucking? Is that really still a Kirby game?

Just throwing it out there.
This is about the last guy I'd imagine name-dropping Tool.

For more on that, you can read my previous interview with Adsit, where we talk about Moral Orel's untimely demise: http://www.avclub.com/artic…

You're thinking of John Lithgow. But I think we can all share some love for charmingly disarming grandpas.