
As much as I used to love this show, it's hard to watch anymore. I think putting a definitive end date on it might really help, instead of them just trying to aimlessly drag this thing on.

As much as I used to love this show, it's hard to watch anymore. I think putting a definitive end date on it might really help, instead of them just trying to aimlessly drag this thing on.

As much as I used to love this show, it's hard to watch anymore. I think putting a definitive end date on it might really help, instead of them just trying to aimlessly drag this thing on.

Wow, I had forgotten about that too. Did they ever even give us the results?

I was just thinking that. From what Jessica was saying to Harvey, it sounds like Louis might be the type she thinks is more suited to management.

I loved the Louis/Mike scene in the bathroom and the Harvey/Louis scene that the end. This episode did such a great job with the character relationships and emotions.
One character that still bugs me is Rachel. It's like the show can't decide what to do with her now that the sexual tension with Mike is gone for now.

DIsagree about Matt, there still needs to be at least one human regular after all. But I completely agree about Kol. It's fairly obvious that Rebekah and/or Kol won't make it out of the season alive.

The cure thing doesn't really bother me anymore but only because I'm assuming there's no way in hell it will actually be used on Elena. I mean if Klaus is getting a spin-off in New Orleans, that probably means he doesn't have a human Elena blood bag in Mystic Falls, right?

Elijah needs to come back, like, yesterday. Mentioning him tonight just seemed like twisting the knife, but I love the idea that he's the other person looking for the cure.

But are they fuzzy and/or hot pink? Otherwise I'm not interested.

I prefer dragon heartstring, like a true badass.

So is that $550,000 flat, regardless of whether she goes home the first week or makes it all the way to the end? Because I can't see Lindsay Lohan putting any actual effort into this and that seems like a lot of money for one week of pretending to work…

I feel like I enjoyed it at the beginning, so maybe it's gotten worse. Or I've just gotten bored. John Barrowman is pretty much the only reason I'm even sticking around at this point.

"Meh" is my sentiment exactly. I don't know what it is, but for a show I really want to like, it's just not holding my interest anymore.

And that's definitely not your nose.

Ah, that explains it. The question is, how did Mr. Nielsen know that every dime not spent on my $100+ cable/internet bill goes directly into feeding my drug habit?

What I learn from this is that they're giving Nielsen boxes to the wrong people. They should only be given to people who watch the shows I like…

Everyone who works with her has got to realize by now this is the only way they'll get anyone to see these movies…after all, any publicity is good publicity, right?

Basically this is just going to be a TV series of the Leo Dicaprio/Claire Danes movie with less (or more?) drugs.

I thought Arrow's said "Oliver suspects Diggle’s mother of robbing armored trucks" then I was immediately disappointed.