In Belfast

"If the film reaches distribution we will forever be correlated in the public imagination"
No, Cumberbatch will be remembered as a fine actor, Assange a possible molestor of women who very quickly dumps people who thought they might lend him a hand.
No real correlation possible.

Ah, he who did the PiranhaMoose. Shame Wondermark hasn't been so good in a while.

I completely forgot I picked up Machine of Death in the Humble ebook Bundle, timely reminder.

Was that the era when global dimming and possible cooling of the planet was doing the rounds of popular science or did that come later?

Like in The War Games, the future of Earth fashion in the Troughton era was I think somewhat groovy. It compared well with the more noticeably wobbly future of the later eras. I'm guessing they had to be bolder here because of the restrictions of black and white TV, not being able to throw us green/gold, blue and red

For a bunch of so called warriors, they turned out to be pretty angry nerds.

And yeah, the casting of Peter Sallis with his southern English accent threw me, having heard him for so long as a northern Englishman in Last of the Summer Wine and as the voice of Wallace.

"slow-moving but frighteningly imposing giants", how I always remember the most terrifying Who episodes from childhood.

Did the 11th Doctor make any reference to remorse at his help in the destruction of the Ice Warriors in his 2nd incarnation when he helped them off 1980s Earth? Especially given his quite complete solution to the problem in the Seeds of Death.

There may have been others considered and rejected by the Who team themselves, who knows.

It's ironic given that there's an audio recording from fans of every lost episode. Even as they wiped the video tape, fans were desperate to relive the stories.

Here's hoping the popularity of Web of Fear amongst fans and the fact that only one episode is outstanding will make it a prime candidate for completion by animation.

Isn't that Augusto Pinochet? I thought he was dead already?


BBC Management: We've got an episode of Z-Cars to shoot later, so yes.

Like I said above, the novelisation of the Web of Fear in the 80s as a kid was thrilling, it would be great to see it restored.

I'm with you on the Master Plan but I'd drink to the Web of Fear, the Target novelisation made that feel like a very menacing episode.

@LurkyMcLurkerson Dad turned up in a suit when Mum was delivering me and the nurses assumed he was an attending Doctor, started handing him gas for Mum and the like.

Is that the same thing as speculative fiction?