hagbard celine

The Muppet Movie again. It's been my answer to so many of these. I really need to watch another movie.

A music snob of my acquaintance, who hated Weird Al as "inauthentic", took great joy in playing "Everything You Know Is Wrong" for me as a "lost" TMBG track he had discovered online. I took even greater joy in informing him that it was in fact a Weird Al song.

Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything. Climate change is really scary you guys.

Topo is an octopus.

"Sydney or the bush!"

I feel sorry for those people, but also slightly envious. They have a chance to watch it for the first time.

That's the hope. Thanks.

Is this news, Internet?


That's pretty much what Tolkien did before writing Lord of the Rings.

Thank you. It should be that simple, but if I ask her to pick a bag to start with, or just get started by myself, she'll feel guilty, which will tip her into another bout of depression, anxiety and shame. Right now I think the best thing I can do is clean the rest of the house as much as possible, maintain an air of

Yes. I'd like a butler who can handle any situation. I wasn't in love with Willikins' characterization in later books, but here, he's hilarious.

I am at my wit's end. Due to my GF's landlord suddenly selling his house, my GF has had to move in with me into my 500 sq ft, 1 bedroom condo. There's stuff everywhere, on every surface. The floor is clogged with bags. It's impossible for her or I to pass each other at any point. Most of this stuff is meant to


The catalogue details are a particular highlight.

I enjoyed The Bees and Horrorstor this weekend, both good fun. So to counteract that, I've begun Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything, which should be suitably frightening. Here for anyone's enjoyment is another long Discworld review.

They fought the ghosts of their neuroses. It's a metaphor.

The Phantom Tollbooth. It is so smart and so funny, with a timeless message. In the words of some tv show I watched:

I'm prepared to argue that Monstro is the scariest Disney villain.

I recently cried at a showing of The Iron Giant.