
Not that we'll probably ever find out, but I figured something must have happened in Norma's past to cause her stuttering. She seemed like she was in pretty bad shape when she showed up to that first meeting.

Yes, agreed.

Off the top of my head, I remember that book has pretty direct analogs of Yoga Jones, Sister Ingalls, Taystee (I think her name was "Delicious" in the book!), Nicky, Miss Claudette, that girl from season 1 who ODed (I think she was based on the "Eminemelette" who sought comfort from Piper). Their backgrounds and

re: that deep thinker on Salon… I read that article, too, and thought it was ridiculous.  Some time after reading it, though, I watched the first episode again and was a little creeped out by an exchange between Pete and Harry.  I'd read that Harry was supposed to be the one to fall out the window in the first season,