
Ricin is also dangerous, and there was the risk that it could have broken open in the roomba or wherever else he might've decided to hide it.

Broken glass?

Broken glass?

"In essence, Reznor is Marilyn Manson without the makeup (which is a bit like Kiss without the makeup). The Fragile is simply Music for 'The Elder for the digital age. I take comfort knowing that the passing of another decade will make this record seem as amusingly insincere as 10CC."

"In essence, Reznor is Marilyn Manson without the makeup (which is a bit like Kiss without the makeup). The Fragile is simply Music for 'The Elder for the digital age. I take comfort knowing that the passing of another decade will make this record seem as amusingly insincere as 10CC."

The Fragile is the NIN album that separates the men from the boys.

The Fragile is the NIN album that separates the men from the boys.

False Hope
Tonight's episode nicely pulled a lot of 1.5 threads together. It was to me a reminder of how good this show can be, mixing (cool cylon!) actionwith deeper meditations on life and consciousness. Too bad it seems Caprica is doomed ratings wise…

I really like Caprica, but yeah, this episode really made me realize there doesn't seem to be a single sympathetic character on this show. That could work on BSG, because there at least they were doing exciting things (in space!) and what guy wouldn't want to hang out with the crew of a battlestar? Not so much so

Louie is basically a 1/2 hour sketch comedy show, but the sketches center around a single character.

I say no, simply because I like Donald Glover and Alison Brie and my Spidey sense is warning me tha the idea of yet another superhero "gritty reboot" is a potential crapfest in the making.

yeah "overstate" was actually what I had in mind. I was just so stricken in my nerd grief, I overestimated my puting-word-on the screen-thingy abilities.

Fantasy Fanatasies
It really is hard to underestimate the influence Frazetta had on fantasy art, not to mention the fantasies of horny nerds for generations.

After Buzz and Liz yelling, I feel so unwanted now…

Stoney Hancock

I loved the book but Starship Troopers the movie was a different take entirely. The movie was as amazing social satire of the insanity that marches a society off to war. Watching it again in hindsight, it was an almost perfect prediction of the Bush era reaction to 9/11 and the propaganda push for the Iraq War.

Natalie Portman
Speaking of Garden State, I've just gotten sick of Natalie Portman in general.

Topher found the words "To Remember" on the wall ironic as he was detonating the bomb that would help everyone remember. It was the last glimmer of his humor.