
My wife is a big fan of Wonder Woman and we have both been enjoying this run. I was looking into getting her some trades. Any specific suggestions for where to go?

Thanks. That cover of Nova where he is flying right at you looks like just what I would have wanted to read when I was nine.

I've seen some art from Herobear and loved it, but it seemed a bit to young for him. But, I will definitely check it out. Thanks.

Thanks for this. I was able to get the first Trade from the library. The relaunch coming up should be a good place for him to jump on for the monthly.

Battling Boy looks great. I'll definitely be checking this out. Thanks.

My son is getting into comics and has some interest in Spiderman. Given that comics are more adult oriented and so many are deep in continuity, I'm not sure where the best starting point to jump off is. Spidey inhabited by Doc Oc might just confuse him. Can anyone give me advice on what Spiderman series might be