Youd Prefer a Sentionaut

Dogs and cats, living together… mass hysteria!

There is ScummVM for iOS, but you need to jailbreak first. Totally worth it.

I still have my Corley Motors t-shirt. I wonder how much I could have sold it for, if it wasn't full of holes and stained with acne medication.

"I'm filled with disgust and an odd sense of foreboding."

Maybe you know this, but that character was based on Roky Erickson.

I think this is already a sequel to Here Comes the Boom.

Was he a "conslutant" like Nellie was to the Bluth Company?

Seems to me you're talking about two different scenarios where someone bypasses the system to get something they didn't work for, whether it's an episode of Game of Thrones or an A from their professor. The real difference is, in one scenario you get paid, and that's the one you're okay with, tortuous…

He only posts on articles where the title is an imperative.