obscure reference was taken

Uncool how? It's like if every single book, movie, and article about Sandy Hook were about one particular little girl and ignored the rest of them.

It's a good thing no one else died in World War II, otherwise this endless focus on Jews might seem self-centered.

I want the first book, and only the first book, as a movie directed by the Coen brothers in ultra dry mode, ala No Country.

Duel was recommended to me years ago by my father, and I didn't think twice about it until reading this just now. He was a huge horror and suspense fan; the house was full of Stephen King and other genre books when I was growing up. At the time I didn't realize what a wealth I was sitting on, because children are

Almost like Garfield minus Garfield!

The sequel does look bad, but the original had more than a little greatness in it. Nearly every scene with Big Daddy and/or Hit Girl, for one.

Isn't she over 40 now? She's lucky she wasn't sold off to be ground into fertilizer, or whatever it is they do to 40+ actresses.

Holy crap, that picture is a perfect Matt Damon 30 years from now.

Media targeted at women is almost always terrible. That's from grocery store paperbacks to soap operas to romantic comedies. I actually loved Sex and the City, and Buffy goes without saying, and Veronica Mars, shows in that vein. But there is a— I want to say estrogen mill— that cranks out this terrible, terrible

There was the part where the entire movie happened because he didn't identify himself at the beginning, and instead just banged on the bus's door like a madman, actually causing the driver to speed up, until it was too far away to be helped and the bomb armed itself.

Didn't he have his career unfairly given to him by his mother in the first place?

I haven't read it myself; reviews have said it's very slow and repetitive in the middle. Still, it takes balls to change the one thing about the book that gave it its title. That's like buying The Sixth Sense and saying, "Well, what if Bruce Willis wasn't a ghost the whole time but was actually a real guy?"

What's Dean got to do with it?

I don't know how it could have been acted much better. The character was over-the-top evil; she was all "Killing people is fun!" (almost literally), and then decided to kill Willow. You should probably be glad Ms. Lewis didn't have the part, if you're a fan of hers.

It was werewolf-Oz, not Oz-Oz.

You don't have to say "phuck" around here, you can just say fuck. (Although you do have to say n***er, as I found out in the last thread when my comment got blocked. It was a Pulp Fiction quote, though! Those should be allowed. Can you guys get a coder on that?)

I wish there was a word to express the pleasure I feel at reading this newswire.

As a comedian you've got to either A) make fun of yourself or B) be someone that people like too much to make fun of. Bill Murray did Garfield, but he's a B. Most comedians are an A. David Cross is neither, which is why we're talking about his impressive lack of gag reflex. I really don't understand how he made it

I hope the final title isn't Susan Cooper. It reeks of terrible supermarket paperbacks. I'm turned off to the project just reading it.

That's pretty generous. It's more like