Icelandic Wood < Norwegian Wood
Icelandic Wood < Norwegian Wood
A gallon of Brylcreem on one's head never hurt anyone.
The candle's only the opening act for the Inanimate Carbon Rod.
It's OK, a new Jenny McCarthy article will be along any minute now.
It's the wan midnight sun scent that really makes it come alive.
It's the wan midnight sun scent that really makes it come alive.
Oddly enough, your profile photo looks like a candle.
Oddly enough, your profile photo looks like a candle.
Her real name is Jenni McCarthy.
@avclub-f7dafc45da369f8581fdf3bd599075aa:disqus Now you've done it. They're gonna start wrapping everything in Doritos from now on.
But is he as cool as Florida Man?
It's unfair that she doesn't have an "i" or "j" in her name. The little bouncing dot in the credits has nowhere to stop, it just skips right over her name. She needs to legally change her name to "Amber J. Nash".
I never expected Benjamin to look like Archer. I did, however, expect him to look like Ben Katz.
I wish it was on there also, but it's not. The versions of Avalon, Do The Strand and Love Is The Drug are not bad though. Definitely not bebop, though - much more old-timey jazz.
There's a reason they kept changing bassists every album.
I hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
I bet that claim actually referred to the most amount of time spent downloading her pics, since everyone was on dialup back then.
Classics, every one.
Neither can I