
There is a play running in NYC right now that I saw over the weekend which is an adaptation of Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep. The person who adapted it had the last name Einhorn. I have to admit I silently chuckled over that one in the theater.

I'll be in my bunk

Well, Whedon apparently put in the ground work for that possibility with his declaration that it was his intent to have either Xander or Willow become gay over the course of the series.

That dream sequence, according to the commentary, was so that the credits of the producers and guest stars etc. didn't appear during the more emotionally heavy scenes. I thought that was a smart move on the part of Whedon and crew.

If they followed the story that Gaiman did in one of his short story collections from the perspective of the queen making snow white a vampire like creature, this might not suck. I highly doubt that they would go that far though, which is a damn shame because it was a really imaginative retelling.