johnny quid

I saw this in a festival a few months ago and I was really disappointed. I get that it has some appeal to it in the way that it keeps (at least tries to keep) the audience questioning about what is happening and it has interesting bits like the opening sequence and the recruitment video.

SUPRISE! I don kno how to spel anymore

AT LAST! My cries for more Harris Wittels has been answered.

Dupieux's best in my opinion. Alain Chabat is spectacular as usual. Watching some of the existential nonsense (it's funny, it's not always logical) could have been kind of dreary without him. If you don't know Dupieux and want to watch a different movie certainly give this a try. Also, pay attention to who is in the

I believe I might have been unclear at the last Max Landis post. So once again, fuck Max Landis, give us more Harris Wittels.
(The short film The Badger's Promise perhaps.)

I do not know about this Max fellow but, Lord Vincent Diesel wrote The Chronicles of Riddick.

As everyone knows, his mouth was rather foamy.

The joke is on you, my good man. I do not have any relations with this Comcast you're talking about.

Fuck Max Landis, give us more Harris Wittels.

I watched this at least 10 times in the last 10 or so days (along with every fucking video of him I could find) and I still laugh out loud when I hear "Damn baby you vine"

Other person number three, dropping in from Turkey.