
"Excellent choice, sir, and what would you like on the side?"
"I think I'll try the stuffed ARTICHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKES!".

I believe you can only get all 6 in one box. There is no other option.

and if not I hope they end up on youtube or (gasp) as a torrent.

Maybe, but the magic is all there.

Which is fine, it's the original movies I'm after.

Go on Arsenio, buy it. Buy it with all your might. It is unavoidable. It is your destiny.

The DVD was already amazing. That's HD enough for me.

I'm quite happy with the 2 disc DVD that includes the untouched original versions no one ever seems to mention.  Maybe people are buying the Blu-rays for the extra stuff?

Agreed. They got me into all that thrash stuff mainly because they weren't taking themselves seriously and their videos were fun.

You know what was also good? The Dune mini series from 2000. It was very Star Wars-y in its direction. Check that out.

How about Henry Fonda? HAHAHAHA.

There you go. Commence the sucking.

wrong, debuttano.

See Carrie Fisher interview, scan article for Star Wars bits.

I only know him from Gone With the Wind. Will check it out.

I would go with Pearl Jam as a singular entity, so "debuts". If it was the five members of Pearl Jam, then it would be debut.

Awesome, sounds like every single song they released since Vitalogy.

Billboard: Awesome. Movie: Meh.

There is one great book on this subject: Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life