
It will work if the director sets the right mood, like they did in The Thing.  Not the alien bit, but the isolation.

No joke. "Zooropa", "Daddy's gonna pay for your crashed car", "some days are better than others" and the rest are all great songs. 
Give it a try again, it's quite a chill album.

When you add "Like" to the mix, this is the comments you get.

You gotta give Zooropa props. That's a a classic as well. Not a bad song on it.

Oh enough with the snark O'Neal. Nolte's got a point. I was maybe 14 when I saw it and it was the first movie I saw where a black guy and a white guy talked to each other normally.

As far as I'm concerned, Milius' Conan is a stone cold classic. Then again, I saw that shit when I was 12.

Historically Innacturate Article
Cherry Pie is not what defines Warrant at all. We laughed at that song and album when it came out back in high school. By 1990 it was obvious that hair metal was already on its way out (see Poison).

Just imagine when he dies
When Vincent Gallo dies, film students are going to bring him up at parties for the next 100 years.

I'm with the King of Popes on this one. I'm in Singapore at the moment and can catch flicks for very little $ on a Gold Pass. Granted, Gold Pass only shows drivel like Harry Potter, Transformers and Thor, but nonetheless, it's a cheap way to see a movie.

Best Bit in the Book
Mars' chapter: So I was looking for my wife at the gig, thanks goodness she found Neil's trailer and he took care of her. What a good guy.

The love story + conflict with the dad will last an hour and twenty minutes before we even see an alien ship. You heard it here first folks!

The stinkers I'm referring to are Johnny Ryal, Egg Man and Sounds of Science. Good, but not up to par with the rest. Unfortunately, with the FFW of the tape, High Plains Drifter gets it too.

Now it's awesome, fine
But at the time, the problem was that right in the middle of it there's like 3-4 really bad songs (one of them is the Beatles sample) that stink it up.


Hell yeah I want District 9. None of that blonde in a red dress alien/robot shit.

Awesome, then I'm in. You had me at "super gross"

Falling Skies
Sounds like a good show. I'll wait for it to finish and get the the DVD.

4 chords? That's U2 territory. That's advanced shit right there.

you can't be serious about the animated one? Had the DVD but stopped after 2 episodes. That was some lame ass shit, not one funny joke in there.

Clerks Rocked
Everything else sucked (points for Mallrats and Chasing Amy)