
Which reminds me, wasn't Mick Jagger's accent in Freejack supposed to be Australian?

Kids' Television
Since my kid's starting to watch TV (only on DVD, not actual TV) I'm discovering Elmo, which I'd never really paid attention to.
There's also a bunch of really good Brit kids' shows like In the Night Garden and Fimbles.

That fucking sucks. Do you get only one present from your friends?

"sex" episode
What's that one episode where they all have sex with each other, and what season was it?

He's gonna be awesome in the second season
as long as they don't over use him. He's fine the way he was.

Isn't he the guy who wrote "Jesus was way cool"? Didn't know it was metal.

"you get what you give" and if fact, the album "…brainwashed too" was pretty good. Every song sounded like it could have been a single.

This is the type of movie you download illegally just so you can see it, shit on it and not have to pay those monkeys for the privilege.

Panna Montata or Torta Salata?


I saw Tool shortly after the events in MSG.
The whole stadium was chanting "USA, USA". Not sure if Maynard agreed with the crowd, but he let it slide.

Won't see it
When I was listening to ATCQ, I never read articles about them or researched them or even heard how awesome they were on TV.

My babysitter back in 1979 saw David Prowse crossing the street once. She's awesome.

I've never seen an edited version but I'm sure it's comedic gold and it needs to be released on DVD.

Oasis do it the best

Lincoln's Log

can we just be fat?

Caviar? Why, ya, I would love some…

1) never answer an unregistered dude's rant.

… he'll just party with them. Seems like the most plausible role.