
dude, just let it be.

Batman Forever
Now that was a great soundtrack. U2, Method Man, and the best song on it, Nick Cave's There is a Light.

ooops, here's my rhyme (in Ad Rock voice):

Try to sing the rhymes from this thread out-loud in a Beastie Boys voice.

Great articles so far for sure.

Played it on PS1 translation
I played it back in '99 (?) on the PS1 without knowing its history and thought it was really good. The missions were intense and the general mood and feel of it was great.

Not falling for this again
The first one was an annoying boss battle after another that lasted way too long (kinda like Metroid 3 for the Wii), so I will be skipping this.

I just finished watching the first two episodes and it is with much regret that I'm calling it a big smelly turd.

Noah, your review just convinced me to watch it. You just described everything I need in a show.

I clicked it. It's disturbing as in it's a crudely drawn comic and the humor is black.

What ever happened to average, meat and potatoes, mom and pop porn?

The best part about Naples is that right in the middle of the tourist center there is a mutherfucking hardcore Camorra ghetto ("Quartiere Spagnolo").
So sometimes tourists end up in there by mistake and get fucked up.

White people smell of cadaver.

… there's descriptions with the titles. You turned it around AV Club!

U2's back?
Haven't read the article but from the headline I gather U2 has a new single out.

I love you Al Jaffee
I had a subscription back in the day (when they had no advertising) and always looked forward to your stuff. Even got a couple of your Snappy Answers books.

confirmed by TMZ?
If TMZ confirms then it's true?
Arent they supposed to be a gossip rag that makes shit up?

oh, but we are on it my friend.. we are on it:

You know that new sound you were looking for?
Well listen to THIS!

It's time…
… to cut and paste the titles in IMDB, as usual, to find out what they are.