
What Flight of the Conchords episode was he in? The one where they do the Bowie-esque song? Man, I don't remember that at all.

But if you substitute Bowie with Henry Rollins, it's pretty cool.

I'm afraid you're going to have to hang on to yourself cause I'm gonna be a queen bitch: You people are terrible at this. I mean, it's the worst pun thread I've ever seen.

I have only heard of it, but the title seemed so stupid. Might have to check it out now.

Awesome, time to copy paste these titles in IMDB… as usual.

Hey, I took care of that failure for ya.

That's one long ass article
I just copy/pasted this article into Word and it's like 13 pages long.

Movie for this book?
Actually, I kinda wondered what army life was like for Jimi. I always thought a movie should have been made about his time there. Jimi and his buddies were probably goofing around more than working hard.

Actually, if the period covered is '62-'66, he doesn't die at the end.

With the power of First
Any cancer is possible.

Tupac's greatest hits CD has like TWO good songs on it, the rest is boring as hell.

My wife watches the shit out of her Sex & the City DVDs, constantly. She even watched the second Sex & the City movie like three times a day for two days in a row… and she even admitted the movies sucked. So there is some value to buying boxed sets.

Another Bob Marley Movie?
What do you mean "another Bob Marley film being made"?

He told me to stop, collaborate and listen.

Those rappers MAY be making millions, but I'm talking about WEALTH.

I bought an EP of them a couple years ago that had just come out in Japan.
They're still around I think.

"Gimme 5". Jovanotti 1988… anyone?

arrgghh, too many title, now I have to go a copy/paste them all in IMDB to see what the all are.
It's gonna take ages.

Blond Cylon from BSG
To me the most annoying part of that show was the interaction between the main cylon (the blond with the red dress) and the human scientist. Those scenes seemed to go on forever when they could have lasted 20 seconds. Add to that the fact that the dumb ass always fell for her lies just cause she

vandermonde, those books have already been written by loads of European and Japanese writers, it's just that they have never been sold, and in most cases never translated, in the States.