
The apartment thing confused me for a second too. The writing in this show is so lazy and convenient, I've generally learned to stop applying logic. Especially when it comes to logistics. This show has more driving scenes than Taxi.

My favorite part was Locke murdering every guard that stood between him and the plane. But then when it was time to storm the sub, he was all, "Sure thing, guys. I'll just watch from back here."

Cutest line of the episode
"Drop 'em if you smoke 'em!"

The B-Word (Bitch)
By my count, Cuddy got called bitch four times, jokingly or not.

Any smokers NOT like this episode?
When I saw the title of this episode, two things sprung to mind:
1. A character (likely Robin) would pick up smoking "again" and all the characters would be troubled and anxious to help her quit. Insert shitty/hyperbolic drug withdrawals type scene and laugh at smokers.
2. Hardcore

"Hey! You in the skirt; date me!" made me laugh out loud. Man, the back and forth between Jeff and the teacher was some great, quick-witted one-upsmanship that really showcased the talent in the writers' room. This is easily my favorite episode since Spanish 101 — actually, my favorite so far.