
Yes, if you mean inches.


With the powder keg we're sitting on, I won't be surprised when that eyelash extender instigates the revolution that leads to World War III.

They only wish they were big enough to play Pittsburg, KS.

I thought it was just Van Halen being dicks about something trivial.

Cartoon watchers have yellow fever!


You have couch cushions, don't you? Show some ingenuity, man!

The Washington Times? There's a name I haven't heard since…well, the Bush administration.

Look at that expression on Trump. He doesn't want to be around this white trash either.

Have you seen Suicide Squad's soundtrack?

Is it that it's the Disney Club or Univision that I'm being forced to dance via shock collar?

I wonder what an EDM-loving kid never exposed to Parliament will make of "Flash Light".

Almost impossible for me to say because there's gems in all his eras. Probably Sketches of Spain and On The Corner.

Well, Harry already has experience playing a goosestepping thug.

Bruce Wayne accidentally made two dinner dates to occur simultaneously!

Oh good, I'd missed that "holier than thou" attitude of the Bush II administration.

Nothing compares to me?


Heh. Losers.