
In that wardrobe over there. Why don't you go for a look?

Damn, why won't they just secede already?

I think McDonald's is the one with the foodstuffs that never biodegrades.

I would've gone with:

It's not really a Whopper if it doesn't have a ton of mayonnaise on it. Am I the only one who respects the classics?

OK by me. Means I'll have the Laserium to myself that night for the Floyd Experience.

Imagine Tits will be the opener.

Superman: Resurgence


Are you listing a bunch of names alphabetically?

The Muppets?

Mysterious Skin blew me away because I've never been a Gregg Araki fan. The one time he gets serious, he coughs up a masterpiece.

Um, where do I send my money right now, this instant?

The City? Way to make sure it stands out in viewers' minds.

Media: "No."

I almost wish Hefner would be immortal so I never have to read the nauseatingly fawning obits about how he "changed America".

Honestly, I haven't dug in to the latest one yet. For what it's worth, Rid of Me is my favorite PJ album.

Show them nude photos with pubes and moles. They shrink like violets.

And now you know where he's going to live.

You're my best friend and I love Lisa so much that I imprisoned and raped her.