Wiseau Serious

Mortal Kombat: The 3D Concert Film

Man I wish Chaz Bono would have a wardrobe malfunction

Joseph Gordon-Levitt shaved his balls for this movie so you know it's good

Mo Moses Mo Problems

Is James Franco in this?

He's kinda looking like Gene Ween these days.

But seriously, if these guys work together I think they have a pretty good shot at winning. After all, it takes a pair to beat the odds.

At least they got some free incense out of it

I wish shaving pubic hair was compulsory in the US, as it is in Israel.

What about a mouthful of applebees?

It speaks volumes about the waitress that she wanders around drug-addled, alone and possibly pregnant on the polluted, dog-overrun Jersey Shore and is disappointed that she ended up with a man who is too innocent and in love with her to take advantage of the situation.

It would have been pretty great if they had both taken ecstasy together and then had an orgy with the bums. Then Charlie's one and only experience with the waitress would be forever tainted.

I cumcur.

Lake Bell was in this movie but Nathan 'I can't afford a new pair of shorts' Rabin didn't mention her so… Obvs he gay

Lake Bell?

I Heart Hunkabeef

More? More did you spake?

Betty White
What does this have to do with Snickers?

How can they betray each other like that?
Well you know what they say, that's life…