
Perhaps the finale will feature The Worst Case of Getting Cut in Half we've ever seen.

"Well, I'VE got the room with two queens."

The only proper answer is Slayer - "Raining Blood".

Steve - You didn't hear it on "Dancin' Ricky" or "Mercy Buckets"?

If nothing else
The show's becoming more and more about the death of dreams, and what people will do get or keep them. Lights clearly dreams of coming back and proving he didn't lose the fight, The wife wants the dream of the perfect family and going into lame-ass family medicine, the kids want the cars and the

It ain't gay if there's sluts rolling around on a Bentley, brah.

Macho Man Randy Savage made a rap album, featuring a diss track aimed at Hulk Hogan.

….I thought World Painted Blood was pretty good.

Deftones are still putting out quality stuff….Diamond Eyes just came out last year/

TRL Pop was harmless - it was there for about 2 months, then gone. Meanwhile, the skidmark on American Pop Culture that was Nu-Metal lives on. I was 14 in 1998, and I was just getting to the point where my parents would let me see concerts. Local-ish shows were cheap, so I saw a lot of friends' bands in Omaha at

It's shitty, but the ratings are at the very least still holding steady for now. It got 800k last week, whereas Terriers was already down to 500k.