
The end tune was also interesting—I remember the lyrics being:  "Blue, blue my world is blue.  Blue is my world now I'm without you.  …Cold is my heart since you went away".
So I thought it was a commentary on how much Don missed his mistress.

Thought I might have gotten the Kent State date wrong—thanks for the correction.  I had forgotten that LBJ resigned just before MLK was assassinated.  Looking back, it really seemed like the country was coming off the rails though as a kid I surprisingly wasn't worried.  The situation did lead to Nixon's law and order

Having lived as a kid in the DC suburbs during the Martin Luther Kind riots, I wanted to say how terrifying this was to white suburbanites, sparking widespread fear that blacks would come out to the burbs and burn down everything..  My POV on the show is that they didn't fully capture this terror in the reaction of