Mr. Butthash

Is that Barry talking, or are we hearing other Barry right now?

You're right, but man I hope that baby dies via that gunshot and not some sue-do abortion crap at the last episode (god, I'd never thought I'd say that for my own personal television experience)

Interesting, I haven't seen season 1 in a while as I picked up the show late 2012. I must have forgotten entirely about the wavelength candidates. But if you mentioned the possibility of their being two other candidates it could have worked. I guess that goes to show you, if you are writing another season from your

Mmmhh I've never thought of it like that. However, I wish it had been made that she did it for truly finding out who did the langely bombing (which would inevitably clear brody).

I, unlike the rest of this thread, am holding out on my "like" until I see some results… I am waiting Chard


Agreed. That last line about "I'm calling in a psych eval" the perfect cherry on top

Out..just get out…all of you. God why did you have to remind me of that series finale

Speaking of Brody's, Todd….You forgot to do your "Adventures of Chris" segment. I for one believe that he was hanging out with his "Girl Friend" Dana, who Jessica had never heard about. They go on an adventure out to the lock fence of their Dad's and place a lock, before going into a hard core sex scene involving

Although I remember this too, I think Todd is right on this play. Brody is a washed up terrorist, hell even one of his own "Muslims" turned him in. Now as much as showtime wants to keep Damian Lewis around, I think it'd be the right call to let brody stay out of the spotlight (any brody for that matter, I'm tired of

Fox News?

I agree with you about the points you like, and I know everyone is hating on the Dana storyline (I am too and just want it to end. I honestly thought they were gonna have dana's car run into the Magican guys black Chrysler and it was going to be the stupidest coincidence).

Like charlie, he doesn't know how (but I'd give this episode 1/2 cat in the wall)

Although I enjoyed this episode (especially the whole bit about them being alcoholics, I didn't see it coming) I can't compare it to "The Gang is Held Hostage" I enjoyed the slower paced build up rather than the quick insanity. But like I said, I still enjoyed this episode, I just wish they would have built up the

First off, I'm glad I finally got around to making an AVC account..the discussion's here are way better than reddit forums.
But now to my point, while I enjoyed Doakes I am going to have to agree with what Douay stated to an extent. Doakes' story arc ended, and while he was one of the best characters on the show, they

I feel the same way in sense. When I read Todd's review last week, that Damien Lewis would return, it got me wondering what it would be like if we didn't see Brody at all? I mean imagine if he did just vanish this entire season, maybe only appearing at the finale episode to explain what he has been doing this whole