
Present tense is correct when writing about film/TV/a piece of writing, because the story remains the same. If you open the book to page ten, the same part of the same story is still going on. The story continues to exist. History is written in the past tense because it happened in the past. A fictional book is

I don't want to see this canceled!
Man, I really enjoy this show, especially when they get more in depth with the side characters. I can't remember if it was here or one of the other review sites that I read that said Dollhouse's drawback was because the characters get wiped, there's less chance for character

Yeah, I also thought the Finn/Will scene was very genuine and believable.

I, too, enjoyed this episode. I mean, sure the structure was a little awkward at times and it would be great if everything wasn't so rushed but it IS still new, and the writers are still trying to find their footing. So many great shows have crappy first seasons and I haven't found Glee crappy at all. I thought the

Yeah, I did have the same issues with the specifics of the drug too & did he/ didn't he actually turn, I forgot to mention it in my above post.

As far as Eternity goes, "the audience learning that it's not just sex, but bliss, that can bring out the beast" was the part that I liked about it because we DIDN'T learn that here, it was said from the first time Jenny Calendar told them about the curse that it was "A moment of true happiness" that would