
Yes, understood. Actually, due to sleep deprivation I wrote something that bore no relation to the simple idea I intended to convey. I edited my post so that I am now communicating in our shared language.

I'm sleep deprived so my comment failed to convey my point of contention.

That's really sad. She actually made a documentary about how older movie actresses are give their walking papers at 40-45. I never got to see it.

Also great:

Don't bother. There's one good episode, then pure wasted time.

No one is going to read this, but can anyone dissuade me that the entire premise of these later seasons are ridiculous? How unbelievable is it that its nearly impossible to make high grade meth?
I'm not a chemist, but I'd assume that there's a basic process and as long as long as it's stuck to anyone can make it.

Its nice to see the possibility of rebellion remains, despite all the propaganda and fear campaigns. I wonder if Operation Occupy Wall Street will have any impact on the U.S.'s totally corrupted system of governance.

scarlet’s walk was her last listenable production, though blandish. I heard Night of hunters somewhere & can't recommend it, though it offers better technique and production than most of her 00s material, which got awful.