
I thought about joining them once.

Don't break the window again.

I bet his wife is pissed!

Where is Scooby Doo and the gang when you need them?

go wrong

Don't say his name 3 times!

I agree and disagree. I agree that Ledger probably played the best Joker of all time (IMHO). But Leto's Joker looks so different that he may be able to pull it off and get a large following. I look forward to seeing his attempt.

Wreck it Ralph 2: I Wrecked Your Mom!

The sad part is that they did. You should have seen them BEFORE.

Now you tell me!

You think they WANT to be on A. V. Club? I'm only here because they pay me….er I mean because of the cool people.

Like what? To detect who it is? Something like that?

You know these things will probably be selling for $100 on Ebay in no time. Also, does anyone have $100 I can barrow?

Rectum? Damn near killed 'em!

Makes it easier to sign the checks with.

If you make the girl pants out of the hoop side and the boy pants out of the hook side of Velcro, that is totally not useless. And where do I get them?

"Urine defector"?

I'm betting there "Golden River" is more like "a garden hose". Just saying.

Don't they know about shrinkage? He was in the pool!

You're Canadian? Y O U S P E A K G O O D E N G L I S H.
Y O U R P A R E N T S M U S T B E P R O U D.