
He has a mass? He should get that checked out.

And we come full circle.

Isn't that like the antidote for racism or something?

*Movie idea*
The Borg: The Jews before space

But I thought you were bigger on the inside?

Oh I am sure herpes has been around a lot longer than that, I should know!

You forgot the word "with".
You are welcome.

Discus is shutting down in:

Why does it always got to be a WHITE thing?!

I wish I could up votes this more. Art at its finest.

In my pants, also known as "Home of the Whopper"

A true king doesn't get voted for, he just takes command.

New Question
Where's Firefly?

A Woody Allen directed respin of Batman could get a little depressing.

I thought she WAS a butt joke?

Except when a Kristen IS on the same planet as a Jessica.

Roger Roger. What's your vector Victor?

The mind waters

Do they get a can opener at 18 or are they born with it?

Bravo! A work of art indeed.