
Oh for sure! When you used to submit your own comments then they'd send the best ones through, it was an accomplishment. And there was some hilarious stuff.

It wasn't just the late posting, it was the horrific formatting / implementation. What in god's name were they thinking? Just go back to 'cover it live'!

Congratulations if you took the under. 11:04pm

'She's really funny.'

Over/Under 11:10pm finish?

Wait, a TAKEN prequel TV show? Shouldn't that take place in the 70s…? #DoesNotCompute

Know what might have helped keep the show on time? Not inserting a random segment about actors' first jobs. Just a thought.

Wouldn't you be? Let's be real.

You are merciless and I love it haha.

Wait, he's Irish?! #NotMyBond

Dammit. Damon stole my joke.

You're keeping track of the categories? You're a better man than I. God bless ya.

Don't forget The Night Manager!

Sienna Miller must have been dismissed early from school by her parents to attend.

This is where the host makes the customary "we're halfway there!" joke. Wait for it.

Producers fell asleep at the switch and now realize they need to cut to people as they're mentioned and they're scrambling.

'Death Becomes Her' with a prime spot in the montage. Did *not* see that coming.

Live! Started today at Noon eastern.

Anyone else watching 'Awesome Games Done Quick' on another screen right now? No? Just me? Cool.

'Rhys Wins or We Riot' has been my battlecry every year.