Why is asdfas now going by lobsters 1?
Why is asdfas now going by lobsters 1?
I had that same thought. So, if she has a two-year contract that means she will be on for six months right?
I could count the number of things wrong with this thread on the fingers of one hand.
Shit, didn't even finish my last sentence correctly.
Conventional economic wisdom is always accurate because it's a world only tangentaly connected to reality. Notice how korpios' post makes no mention of any other costs associated with fossil fuel? In fact, that whole first section of the post is about as cold and sterile as anything any economist has ever posited. If…
Justin Hankins, lifetime NAMBLA member, has developed his above posting style through years of trolling the 12 and under boys only chat rooms. He was briefly employed by the producers of "To Catch A Predator" for his uncanny ability to sound exactly like a 12 year old boy while in said chat rooms. However, once his…
Suggested Names
Whoreyourchild, Inc.
KiddiePimp Co.
Pedophiliaspankingmaterial Corp.
IAmAHorribleParent&Worthless Piece of Shit, PC (AWholeowned Subsidiary of Halliburton, Inc.)
Polanski is a reprehensible piece of shit. Nothing redeems that, not the tragedies in his life or the merits of his artistic abilities. I'm with Dante, if that had happened to your daughter or a female family member you wouldn't be so cavalier. I also agree with 0w that it is highly unlikely that he did this just…
Sugartits I didn't mean to come off that harshly. Mea Culpa, and it's just proof that spouting off when you don't know someone's nuanced ideas is stupid and narrow minded of me.
Because the sheer, stupendous and ever growing stupidity of human beings knows no bounds.
Sugartits; are you trolling or just stupid?
You should ask those "patriots" if they put up a christmas tree. Cause if they do they are really pagans. Fucking pagans.
Retconning the Cambodian barmaid has totally…um…wait…oh shit…um…jumped, no…wait…has totally Zodiaced the Motherfucker. Fhew.
I think because it sounds better than "get the fuck outta the way you used up piece of twat dropping, the sight of you is sickening".
s/b buying. I suck.
Yeah, nothing screams I am expressing my own individual peronality like buyig a hypo-allergenic styling gel. Now if you shaved your one year old's head and branded it all over with a heated wire hanger bent in the shape of a swastika, that would be self-expression.
This is why the terrorist want to destroy us. Thanks to the a**hole who wrote that press release and Tam (with an i, totes giggle and stuff) Dimmerman we're now even less safe from attack. Wait, I just realized that women's name is just too perfectly descriptive…Dimmer…man. Oy.
You failed to raise the most salient point; Levitt & Dubner are total douchenozzles.
Why would not alienating the stupid be a good thing? Fuck the stupid…in the ass…with a branch…broken from a tree..that grows in one of our awesome national parks, that's what I say. And PBS is a station that pretty much preaches to the choir anyways…since the volume of their programs is pitched at a level that stupid…
Almost all economists are by nature amoral lizard people. They gravitate towards that profession as it fits their natural proclivities as individuals with little to no empathic ability and the psychotic outlook of serial killers. For years Greenspan was hailed as a genius! Then he makes the stunning admission that he…