
I theorize that by making sure Linus always had an non-alcoholic drink in her hand, no one would buy her an actual drink and she wouldn't have to let the cat out of the bag.

Very well said!  That's the thing I love about this sitcom above most others.  It can be campy and silly and then suddenly it smacks you with so much heart you stop breathing.  This episode and Countdown are at the top of the list —- both being a total punch in the gut.


Thank you for reminding me how the kids always seem to be humoring Ted's rambling.  If the mother were dead, there's no way they'd be that inconsiderate.

Exactly what we're thinking.  And they are PROS at morbid endings.

My daughter said the same thing.  She immediately teared up and said "Please don't tell me at the end that the mom has died."  When I tried to argue that nooooo, there's no way they'd end it with a punch line like THAT, she reminded me of the Countdown.  Now we live in fear…

The scenes of Lily walking while whistling (which copied  Twisted Nerve which was copied by Kill Bill) were brilliant.  Loved that touch.

The scenes of Lily walking while whistling (which copied  Twisted Nerve which was copied by Kill Bill) were brilliant.  Loved that touch.

I'm sorry but the scene with Kerry in the car asking the kids if they ever saw the Godfather?  And then telling them to see it right away?!  I was in hysterics.  Kerry reminds me of Ferris Bueller's dad. 

I'm sorry but the scene with Kerry in the car asking the kids if they ever saw the Godfather?  And then telling them to see it right away?!  I was in hysterics.  Kerry reminds me of Ferris Bueller's dad. 

A C??? Really??? That's wayyyy too generous!
For the record, I LOVE Zach Galafawhatever. LOVE HIM. So why didn't they use him AT ALL??? In most of the skits they had him either just standing there or dancing for all of 60 seconds! Way to waste the best person they've had all year!!!! I was so pissed I cannot