
Hi Judge! I should've known better than to go to bed before sending in my pick 4. I'd like to go for Hali, joe, max, shirin, please!

Is it wrong that I'm rooting for Keith to win despite knowing Natalie deserves it, all for my the sake of my pick-4? I'm jumping on mratfink's dream here: Baylor, Keith, Missy final 3! Worst final 3 ever!

Not gonna lie, I did not think Jeremy would be the first of my pick-4 to get voted off. HOLD ON, TEAM

So…close…to…the…top! I'm afraid Reed might be next to go though.


It took me forever to remember this would be here and not on the first review. Can I grab Baylor, Reed, Jeremy, Keith?

Isn't Theon still in Winterfell?

So this episode got me thinking — Bobby calls Ellie E-Train, Grayson G-Love, and Jules J-Bird. Does he have those nicknames for anyone else that I just missed?

As always, so many great throwaway lines tonight. Blew me away. Also, did Alex say "CTU" when she and Max were rattling off which organizations to call about Chase going missing?

She's Kip.

She's Kip.

Wait, wasn't there an episode a few weeks back where Jane says she changed college Brad? How does he have a breakup restaurant?