the shiny

I used to jokingly demand an Ant-Man movie. Hollywood heard my joke, filtered out the sarcasm, and is giving us: http://www.imdb.com/title/t…

Secret: Maya Angelou is Oprah in an old woman costume.

The only reason they made this movie is because it would take too long to show up on the doorsteps of all the Sex and the City fans and simply demand $10.

I find it funny that the most transparent and obvious person in America is majoring in Encryption.

Rapture Ready Pets
Can you imagine if the Rapture actually happens? Not only does this guy miss out on eternal bliss and is condemned to life on earth with Satan running the show, but he also has to deal with a bunch of cats. That would suck.

I think you will really enjoy the first 4 books of this series, and get frustrated by this post-"getting run over by van" books. King sways between being amazingly good and frustratingly bad in his novels. On the whole, it is hard to say if this series is worth the let down at the end. It is like spending the day

Dogs are hip!
but only because the dog friendly media is always covering up dog-celeb scandals!

Translation: We would put on makeup and spend hours on our hair regardless of the cameras. Also, we lack class and decorum, with an inability to keep our opinions to ourselves and not yell them out at inappropriate times.

I wish for a camera in space that is programmed to scan America for people yelling "Bro", drinking energy drinks, or engaged in exploding fist bumps.

For the standard male meathead, the wearing of a shirt is a cultural inconvenience. It should be discarded at every opportunity. When one must be subjected to covering their chest with a shirt, it should be of the wife beater variety or half buttoned.

Perhaps a series
There are so many forms of human garbage floating around out there, and not being covered by this or Tool Academy.

I also grew up a huge PE fan, but Flavor's antics don't really bother me. Chuck D is Public Enemy, and he has held up pretty well over the years.

The convenience of it
I remember blankly staring at the wall clock waiting for class to be over, now the students can stare at Flavor Flav.

It would only be wrong if you paid money to do this, instead of being paid to do this.

Awww dude!
*exploding fist bump*

Dancing wedding
The entrance went from funny to tedious very quickly. I'm guessing there will be a "BEST WEDDING PARTY INTRO EVR!!!" follow-up video coming soon.