And there's whole entire relationships he can't remember having.
And there's whole entire relationships he can't remember having.
I have to say, naked Archer was a nice….surprise.
Such an amendment is unnecessary as churches are already protected from having to marry anyone they don't want to. The blathering on that issue from the religious nutjobs is a FUCKING LIE and the religiots spouting it know it's a lie. This strategy has been remarkably successful however, as evidenced by how many…
+1 for "Rosemary's Baby".
"Any of those questions could have made for a riveting show, but you
won’t find the answers to any of them from the abomination Bravo aired
to awful ratings and vitriolic reviews. Instead the show focuses on the
most insufferable elements of Abdul’s life and personality: her grasping
neediness, her cruelty to…
Murder is apparently like eating potato chips- you can't stop at just one.
I have friends that watch it and enjoy it unironically. But then, the same friends also find The Walking Dead to be gripping television. Even season 2, FFS. Different strokes, I guess.
You're not the only one. I think he always looks like he's in disguise, even when he's not.
Fuck you, The Killing.
The more I think it over, the more I agree with Scrawler- PedoMan™ was def KGB and was sent to corral the kids and keep watch pending the results of Liz and Phil's interrogation. Seen from the kids' POV, he is skeevy, but his orders probably included having to off the kids should it come to that, and anyone willing to…
I like "Christine" a lot. The movie has a few good points, but it dropped one of the creepier parts of the book- Christine doesn't just magically regenerate when no one is looking, she has to be rolling for her damage to repair itself. Because her odometer runs backwards. So Arnie, in a kind of trance, is compelled to…
Meh. I never liked the movie of Misery. It pulled punches when it comes to Annie's violent abuse of Paul, and who the fuck thought James Caan was a good fit to play a novelist? And I know you're supposed to love Kathy Bates in it, but I think she overacts something fierce. She's much much better in Dolores Claiborne.
Pet Sematary is an extension of the same theme running through Cujo- random chaotic evil and the horror of losing a loved one, specifically a child. How just loving someone can't keep them safe.
I don't know if I'd call Dolores Claiborne a great film, but it's a great adaptation of the book, which is written as one long monologue by Dolores. Great story, and Kathy Bates is great in it. I like her performance much better than in Misery.
Thank you, PolarBears. I watched the first 4 seasons on DVD, and the infamous 6 episode mini-season followed by the months-long hiatus was a total non-issue.
Season 1 is a damn near perfect season of television, but the back half of season 3 is the greatest consistent run of kick ass episodes, with TTLG being the best finale.
This. I tell first time watchers coming to the end of season 3 "Watch Greatest Hits and Through the Looking Glass all in one sitting. Best action/drama/epic you'll see all year".
Yeah, not mentioning her role on "Archer" was tacky.
AMC: "But if we plug her hit show on a rival network, people might watch that instead of our shitty Thursday night lineup of reality shows!!"
Fuck you, The Killing!
God, they should show "The Goonies" in high schools to scare kids into sexual responsibilty and the virtues of birth control. I'd never seen a movie with more annoying, hateful depictions of screaming, obnoxious children.