

By "sonically almost unprecedented" you mean "knock-off Death Grips", right?

His rapid, nervous grunting when she proposed was hilarious as well.

It was definitely distracting watching him & Eli interact as different characters, though.

& My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done?

That line inspired a hearty chuckle.

Nucky knew enough about Margaret's location to contact her about Eddie's death.

My wife asked me in an equally casual manner.

Line of the night : "Now I don't believe in ANYTHING."

Yeah! I painted a phantom mask flesh tone with eyebrows & half a mustache. I picked up a vest & newsboy cap from Goodwill and was done with it. The phantom mask covers the wrong side of my face but I’ll choose convenience over accuracy any day. The biggest advantage of the costume is that it provides easy access to my

I know a 2013 Richard Harrow Halloween costume is three years late & can't possibly top Mr. Tompkins' dedication but, whatever, I'm doing it anyway. Maybe I should spray blood on my face and carry around a cute kid to update the look . . .

Also in Take Shelter w/ Michael Shannon

Reminded me of the high school plays in Rushmore, especially the way he was mouthing the words offstage.

Themes for your consideration: the fluidity of identity (including personal, familial and cultural), means of exercising & displaying power, how money & compromise undermine integrity, insatiable greed. Not that there's anything wrong with watching something BECAUSE it's fun & looks nice.