Lauren Hoffman

So four episodes, and not four hours, then. Right?

Wait, four hours? Are the remaining episodes longer?

Aziz Ansari has been lobbying that Harrison's backstory is that he and Aziz's Parks and Rec character were college roommates. Not gonna happen, obviously, but sort of perfect/fun to think about.

I'd start with the first episode, and hop around after that. I don't think you have to watch every single episode, but watching a solid handful that strike you as funny/interesting from the outset will give you enough of an insight into who/how things work will allow you to pick back up with the more recent episodes.

Pure conjecture, but I would imagine that the original intent *was* for April to go to vet school, but that plot got scrapped when it turned out Chris Pratt would be away for the first several episodes. Hard to make the Pawnee stuff work as well with both April and Andy elsewhere.

It's a SOLID ratio of soap opera to medical show, so bear that in mind. I think the first few episodes are pretty indicative of that balance, so if it doesn't resonate with you after those, it might not later on. I'm also a sucker for old-school ER, available illegally, for pay, or from your local library/video