Phil Not Phil

The top rated show on Starz is kinda like the minor league home run leader, no?

Fascism and especially Nazism/white supremacy are inherently violent ideologies. They're not the only ones, but that's another discussion.

It was a joke, yet people who were already inclined to ignore shit are still going to post it a thousand times on Facebook with cringy taglines like "THIS. New philosophy right here folks."

I mean, she did have a way of constantly making pointed statements about politics (and other current events!) on WU. I think the truest Tina Fey is 30 Rock Tina Fey, but if you're going to do political humor, it has to be at least a little bit meaningful.

His unfunny recurring spot on 30 Rock?

Please just let the fucking show air first. Christ.

Listen all y'all, we don't charge corkage

Paul's Bouquet

So, adjusting for grade inflation…

Price (of a company's stock)/earnings (of the company)

What do you mean?

Good, she's funny. I caught a Second City main revue a few years ago with her, Sam Richardson, and Tim Robinson (and 2 others). Quite a crew, looking back.

I have a cousin who had zero "regular" education and didn't become even a little bit conversational until his 20s. They should do a show about that kind of autism. (And by should, I mean shouldn't.)

Yep. And when he gets shocked by the knockout zapper, he says "The voices…they're gone. I feel so much better…" just as he gets impaled. Classic moment.

Close. 22 years between the original and TPM, 18 years from TPM to now.

Hot take: I've watched the prequels more often and more recently than TFA. I don't currently foresee watching TFA ever again.

Season 13's "To Sirloin With Love" is the closest thing. It ends with Hank telling Bobby (paraphrasing) "You're gonna be grilling steaks for a long time," and a happy zoom out over Arlen with the "wistful" theme riff.

In retrospect, my adolescent near-miss with punk is probably my life's best-dodged bullet.

Oh thank fucking god.

I suspect genderqueer people having their motives questioned is as old as the hills.