
Right now, the only series of kills that would satisfy me would be:
Emma kills that annoying French bitch.
Mandy kills Emma.
Lilly kills Mandy.
Joe kills Lilly.
Ryan kills Joe.
Agent Iceman (Mike) kills Ryan.

Oy. the dialogue…

Speaking of "boring," Could we please call a moratorium on increasingly un-ironic juxtaposition of people doing sick, demented things while sweet, lilywhite music plays in the background? Ooh, listen! The MurderTwins are playing with their dead Barbie and Ken dolls while "Que Sera Sera" plays. GET IT?! Doesn't that

I remember when the term "raunchy comedy" meant films like Porky's and Bachelor Party, and featured just as many titties as man butts and balls, if not more. Now, it just means Jennifer Aniston flippin' the bird and saying (teehee) naughty things.

The Butler: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut.

The Hunchback Fairy will be played by Steve Buscemi, in a role that won't surprise you.

"Can you change the fact that I have crunchy pants?"

"Have you seen Glen?"

Just so long as they cast Sofia Vergara in one of these movies, and put her in "a subtle dress that screams LOOK AT THIS!!!"