
Existential Nightmare for Hodor!

What the The A.V. Club is saying that if the Scots vote for Independence next year they will invade Halifax and cede it to Scotland.
Nemo me impune lacessit.

That young kid was Woody Allen looking for an autograph.

Podrick's reputation precedes him, amongst other things!

Is Hodoring like Yodeling?

Margaery have you met Podrick? Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wow

Margaery probably hasn't heard of/seen/participated in Podricks legendary sexual prowess if she had she would have to say

"And then you go inside, but slowly.  Don't jam it in like
you're spearing a pig."

Margaery Tyrell: "We're very complicated, you know.  Pleasing us takes practice."

He was so good he got his own Closing credit screen.

So much for my hope that Pod and Ros would get together, oh well there's always Buggery.

Jon Snow still knows nothing about women, he could learn a lot from Podrick.

Is anyone else shipping Pod and Ros?

Did anyone else miss the bridges of Pyke in the opening title sequence?